Our Partners
Charity Partner

A global champion for women and girls, UN Women is the United Nations entity responsible for promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment. UN Women was established in 2010 to accelerate progress to meet the needs of women and girls worldwide.
UN Women Aotearoa NZ is a registered charity which exists to raise funds for and awareness of UN Women’s work across the Pacific region and around the world. UN Women Aotearoa NZ is recognised by UN Women as its partner in Aotearoa NZ to advance UN Women’s agenda.
Gold Sponsor

Peter Berry Consultancy is a multidisciplinary global consulting firm with over 30 years of experience in the delivery of solutions aimed at maximising the potential of individuals, teams, leaders, and organisations.
We undertake research to support our evidence-based solutions and have a network of partners and distributors globally. PBC is the Australian and New Zealand distributor of Hogan Assessments and the authors of a range of diagnostics including the Hogan 360 suite, Agile suite, High Performing Team Assessment (HPTA), and co-authored the Hogan Safety Climate Survey.
Coaching Partner

The Bridge is a New Zealand-based leadership development firm dedicated to empowering leaders and organisations to transform and grow. We specialise in developing leaders, leadership teams, and organisational culture through practical, evidence-based, and results-driven strategies. Our experienced team helps leaders across multiple industries bridge the gap between potential and performance, aligning leadership ideals with real-world skills. We are on a mission to empower leaders to make a positive impact on their people, businesses, and communities, and to navigate today’s rapidly moving environment with confidence and poise.
Endorsing Partner

Engineers and architects create the world around us. Our work is behind every major human advancement since the beginning of time, and makes peoples’ lives better, healthier and more connected.
The Diversity Agenda is a joint initiative from Engineering New Zealand, the New Zealand Institute of Architects and ACE New Zealand. Launched in early 2018 with a goal to help engineering and architecture firms become more diverse and inclusive through awareness, empowerment and action, the movement has grown to over 150 Diversity agenda members. Firms across both engineering and architecture, and those that work within these industries, are encouraged to sign up as members to show they’re serious about diversity and inclusion, and benefit from access to resources, events, tools and tips. Members who want to make the ultimate commitment can then sign the Diversity Agenda Accord, with the personal responsibility from CEs and business owners to be held publicly accountable for achieving truly diverse industries.